How can I get involved and make a difference?

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Supporting Red Cross Calling is easy. You can:

  • Act for humanity: Choose your act, connect with your network and raise funds for the life-changing work of Red Cross. Sign up today.
  • Make a donation: Visit redcross.org.au or call 1800 RED CROSS (733 276).
  • Raise awareness: Share our social media posts inviting people to get involved and act for humanity. 

What will the funds I raise go to?

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Your donation makes our everyday work possible. It powers thousands of acts of kindness. It could be a package of groceries or a safe place to go. Help to find a family member, or information to keep a family safe. A phone call at a lonely time or a case worker who’ll stand by someone’s side. It gives people the support they need to cope with hard times.

How much do I have to raise?

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There isn't a set minimum amount you have to raise to take part, however we ask our hosts to do their best to raise as much as possible. The more money we can raise together, the more support Red Cross can give to people going through tough times around Australia and overseas.

When can I do my act for humanity?

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You can do your act and raise funds any time during the year.

Can I host a virtual event instead of a gathering in person?

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Yes, this is a great way to get creative with how you host your event. You can still set up your fundraising page as normal. We’re here if you have any questions. Reach out at contactus@redcross.org.au

Do I have to host an event?

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Hosting an event is a great way to raise funds for Red Cross and have some fun too, but it’s not the only way to act for humanity. You might prefer to do a personal challenge and ask your networks to sponsor you to complete it – like 30 squats a day for a month! Your act is your choice.

Otherwise you can always make a donation online by clicking here

Does it cost anything to take part?

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There is no cost to register. If you are hosting an event, there may be costs associated with running your event. 

What support will I receive?

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Once you register, you’ll be sent emails with fundraising hints and tips, plus inspiration to keep you motivated. There are resources on the website to make your event a success. Plus, we’re here to support you - get in touch with us by calling 1800 733 276 or email contactus@redcross.org.au with any queries.

Do I have to hold my event at work?

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You can hold your event anywhere. Your workplace is just one of many places you can hold your event, and offers a great opportunity for team building and staff engagement. You may even want to encourage your employer to support your event by dollar matching what you and your colleagues raise, check out the resources page for a template. If you can’t hold an event in your workplace, consider having one at home, or a suitable venue in your local community. 

How can I get my school/university involved?

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We’ve created 7 acts for humanity to choose from – they're easy, fun and linked to learning materials for students too.

I’m from a Red Cross branch. How can I get involved?

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We’d love for you to participate! Please get in touch with the team at contactus@redcross.org.au or call 1800 733 276 so we can best help you get involved.

How can I deposit money raised?

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a) Bank deposit – to deposit your funds into our account please get in touch with us at contactus@redcross.org.au and we'll happily provide instructions and details. 

b) Cheque or money order – Please send cheques/money orders made payable to ‘Australian Red Cross’ to Australian Red Cross, Community Fundraising, GPO Box 2957, Melbourne VIC 3001. 

c) Credit card online – Use your credit card to return funds collected at your event through your fundraising dashboard. Log in to your dashboard and first click on the ‘My Donations’ button. From there you will see a red button ‘Add Offline Donation’ which will allow you to make one lump sum payment or individual payments received from donors at your event.  Please note, if you are making individual payments on behalf of your donors, you will be required to enter in their contact details so they can be issued with a tax receipt accordingly. Tax receipts are for donations only. Please see below for more information on tax receipts. 

d) Encourage your donors to donate directly to your online fundraising page – share the link to your online fundraising page via email and social media to everyone attending your event. Once they visit your page, tell them to click on the red ‘Donate’ button. Donors can pay directly to your page, leave messages of support and will automatically receive a tax receipt for their donation. 

e) Donations of $2 and over may be tax-deductible. 

  1. If your supporters request a tax receipt, please use the Receipt Request Form available on the website under ‘Tools & downloads’ and return it to us along with your cheque, money order or your bank deposit receipt. This form cannot be used for any payments made via your online fundraising page by credit card (see point C above, for instructions on how you can make credit card payments for donations collected at your event). 
  2. If donors would like to make an online donation, they can do this directly through your online fundraising page and will be issued an automatic tax receipt. 

If you do not have an online fundraising page or have forgotten the details, please contact our team on 1800 733 276 for assistance.