Warner Newhouse

Fundraise for Australian Red Cross

I'm fundraising for Red Cross

In my quest to support those in need, I'm embarking on a unique journey through the streets of Fremantle. With a sign that reads "Walk for 1000," displaying the hours I've spent walking, I'm dedicated to raising funds through this personal endurance challenge. Every step I take aims to support the invaluable humanitarian work of the Red Cross.

As I traverse the city streets, I'll be actively seeking donations until I reach my goal of $1000, regardless of the time it takes. I'm 25 years old and in good physical shape, ensuring that I can effectively manage my hydration and endurance throughout this walking fundraiser.

Your support in this endeavor would mean the world to me. By contributing to my fundraising efforts, you'll join me in ensuring that the Red Cross can continue its crucial mission, ensuring that no one in Australia faces crises alone.

Thank you for considering being part of this meaningful act for humanity. Your generosity and support will make a significant difference in the lives of those who need it most.

My Achievements

Congrats! You’ve created a page!

Looking good! You’ve uploaded a profile pic

Sharing is caring. You've shared your page

Amazing! You’ve self-donated

Great start! You’ve raised $1

Super star! $1000 raised!

Spread the news. 8 donations received!

You’ve raised 50% of your target!

You’ve reached your target!