Shiman Huang

Fundraise for Australian Red Cross

I'm fundraising for Red Cross

When it comes to helping humanity, every act counts. So I’m turning my passions and interests into an act to help others, by raising funds for the life-changing work of Red Cross.

I’d be grateful for your support. Please be part of my act by donating to my fundraising page. Together we can help Red Cross ensure nobody in Australia faces crisis alone.

Thank you so much for acting for humanity.

My Achievements

Congrats! You’ve created a page!

Looking good! You’ve uploaded a profile pic

Sharing is caring. You've shared your page

Amazing! You’ve self-donated

Great start! You’ve raised $1

Super star! $1000 raised!

Spread the news. 8 donations received!

You’ve raised 50% of your target!

You’ve reached your target!

My Updates

Graduation Night and Christmas Party

Wednesday 8th Nov
We are partnered with the Red Cross to incoorporate a charity element into the event. During the party, we will have a small craft sale featuring handmade items created by our little ones. The proceeds from this sale will be donated to the Red Cross, and in turn, we will issue a charity certificate to each child who participated in the sale. We kindly request that parents come prepared with some loose coins to support this charitable initiative. It is a wonderful oppotunity for our children to learn about giving back and making a positive impact in the community