Olivia Brealey

Fundraise for Australian Red Cross

I'm fundraising for Red Cross

When it comes to helping humanity, every act counts. So I’m turning my passions and interests into an act to help others, by raising funds for the life-changing work of Red Cross.

I’d be grateful for your support. Please be part of my act by donating to my fundraising page. Together we can help Red Cross ensure nobody in Australia faces crisis alone.

Thank you so much for acting for humanity.

My Achievements

Congrats! You’ve created a page!

Looking good! You’ve uploaded a profile pic

Sharing is caring. You've shared your page

Amazing! You’ve self-donated

Great start! You’ve raised $1

Super star! $1000 raised!

Spread the news. 8 donations received!

You’ve raised 50% of your target!

You’ve reached your target!

My Updates

100kms complete & $402 raised!

Wednesday 31st May
And just like that the month or May is over! We walked 100kms and raised $402! I feel accomplished to have walked 100kms. It certainly wasn't easy to squeeze more into an already busy life I live, but totally worth it and so rewarding to make a difference for others in need. So THANK YOU for all those who made a donation, had a conversation and who were inspired to do something for their community. Together we made a big difference ❤️ From Bella 🐾 and I a huge thank you! ❤️

Day 27 & 100kms complete!

Saturday 27th May
We did it! And what a great feeling! Thank you to my friends and family who walked some days with with, and for all those that wanted to support the Red Cross and contribute to this fundraiser THANK YOU 🙌❤️ A total of $402 raised 👏 all for people who need it!

Day 26 - 3kms down, only 5kms to go!

Friday 26th May
$402 total raised! I'm so thankful for everyone that has donated thank you 💜 what an achievement 👏

Day 25 - 2kms down, 8kms to go.

Thursday 25th May
$392 in total raised! Only a few more days left! 8kms to go. I'm so excited to complete this journey 🥰

Day 24 - 3.5kms down, 10kms to go!

Wednesday 24th May
And .... $392 combined raised across FB & my Red Cross Fundraiser page! I received two generous donations overnight that have meant I've hit my fundraising targets 🥳 thank you ALL who have donated 💜 I'm really excited to knock down the final 10kms over the final few days. It's been such a rewarding little experience

Day 23 - 4kms down, 13.5kms to go.

Tuesday 23rd May
We got out for another sunrise walk this morning and can't believe we have almost finished our 100kms! Only a few more kms to go, and $50 left to reach my goal!

Day 21 - 5kms down, 20.5kms to go.

Sunday 21st May
It feels like we're on the home stretch now! Not many kms to go! A total of $300 raised and I'd really like to get to $350 by the end of the month!

Day 20 - 3.5kms down, 25.5kms to go.

Saturday 20th May
$300 total raised. Our favorite type of walk today; offlead and on the beach. Although we only clocked 3.5kms I'm sure Bella ran twice that 🤣

Day 19 - 1.75kms down, 29kms to go.

Friday 19th May
$300 total raised. We took today nice and easy (must be a Friday thing!) But enjoyed a quick walk in the morning before work. I can't say Bella was too impressed to wear her bandana. But it looked so cute!

Day 18 - 4kms down, 30.75kms to go.

Thursday 18th May
$300 total raised. I wish I did another 750m tonight to round down the kms, but I split my walk in two today and this evening had my old boy Oscar with me who doesn't travel too far (or fast!). The view was better in person (just glad you're not sponsoring me for my photos 🤣)

Day 17 - 4.25kms down, 34.75kms to go.

Wednesday 17th May
$300 total raised They say better late than never ... so just before 9pm Bella and I set out for an evening walk. So magical with all the stars out tonight, and I'm sure one of them now is my beautiful friend's Mum ❤️

Day 16 - 3kms down, 39kms to go.

Tuesday 16th May
$300 total raised! We had a nice early morning walk this morning. The best way to start a new day 🥰

Day 15 - 5.25kms down, 42kms to go.

Monday 15th May
$300 total raised. With a rain jacket on, we headed out for an evening stroll. Exactly what I needed to clear my head this evening.

Day 14

Sunday 14th May
My first day so far without a walk! A combination of Mother's Day, a tired Bella and afternoon rain meant we didn't get out today. No excuses tomorrow and for the week ahead we will have to make up some kms! Stay tuned!

Day 13 - 4.5kms down, 47.25kms to go.

Saturday 13th May
$300 total raised and I've increased the goal to $350! Today we hit over the 50% mark of our 100kms! We enjoyed an offlead walk with my Mum and family ahead of mother's day 🥰

Day 12 - 1.5kms down, 51.75kms to go.

Friday 12th May
$300 in total raised! After a big walk yesterday and a big walk planned for tomorrow, we slowed down and stuck to a small 1.5kms today. Bella is smart and recognizes when I've changed into my walking gear and gets ready by the door for me 🥰

Day 11 - 6.25kms down, 53.25kms to go.

Thursday 11th May
Total of $300 raised! Just Bella and I this morning for a sunrise walk. We decided to go a different route and get in a few more kms. I'm excited to get below the 50% mark!

Day 10 - 3kms down, 59.5kms to go.

Wednesday 10th May
As I was sneaking out early this morning, little Austin saw me and was determined he was coming. So I took a few short cuts along the way and pushed him and his bike some parts too. The extra time with him was beautiful 🥰

Day 9 - 3.75kms down, 62.5kms to go.

Wednesday 10th May
Today we got in early to get our kms in, and got to see such a beautiful sunrise over the water. It was a great way to start the day. I'm so close to hitting our updated fundraising target of $300! Thank you everyone for your support 🥰

Day 8 - 4kms down, 66.25kms to go.

Wednesday 10th May
If it wasn't for this fundraiser I wouldn't have gone out on this cold windy night for a walk. I'm so glad I did. It was just magical. Thanks for all the donations and motivation!

Day 7 - 4kms down, 70.25kms to go.

Wednesday 10th May
We had the pleasure of some extra company 🐾 this morning, thank you Penny. With almost 30kms down in our first week, we are well on track for our 100kms!

Day 6 - 4.25kms down, 74.25kms to go.

Wednesday 10th May
I'm happy to say how committed we've been to get out each day to clock off a few kms, getting us closer to the 100kms. Thanks for all of your support 🥰

Day 5 - 3.5kms down, 78.5kms to go.

Wednesday 10th May
This evening, I thought about watching a movie and going to bed. Its Friday right!. But no, this isn't about me. So off Bella and I went. We clocked a few more kms but even better, today WE DID IT ... well YOU did it! Together we hit our $200 fundraising goal! THANK YOU to all the generous donations and even from someone I don't directly know! I feel SO happy, it's so rewarding to gift and be selfless. I feel happy, you feel happy from donating, but just imagine how the people who receive the benefits, through Red Cross, must feel 🥰

Day 4 - 5.25kms down, 82kms to go.

Wednesday 10th May
Today I was motivated by my wonderful Aunty all the way from NZ donating to this fundraiser. It took two walks to clock up the kms, but I got some good kms ticked off today. Each day so far I've had a donation. I'll try and get one new donation each day to aim for my goal!

Day 3 - 4.75kms down, 87.25kms to go.

Wednesday 10th May
Thank you to the three donations so far and your support towards such a great cause. Tonight's walk was a slight disaster. My son rode his bike but half way though the quick stroll tiredness from kindy kicked in and I ended up carrying a bike, pulling a dog and an negotiating with an upset wee boy all the way home. Bella and I snuck out to finish our walk and clock a few more kms later on.

Day 2 - 4kms down, 92kms to go

Wednesday 10th May
After a full day at work, kindy pick up, then a full grocery shop, Bella and I made a late evening effort to knock off a few more kms!

Day 1 - 4kms down, 96kms to go

Wednesday 10th May
My son walked the entire 4kms with me too!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Alex Hickson

You are amazing Liv! What a great thing to do! Very proud of your efforts! Keep up the great work! 😘



Well done!


Amy Greene

Great job Liv!